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Builtin data types

In extension to the primitive data types, Spice offers several builtin data types.

The String data type

In opposite to the string primitive type, the String builtin type is mutable and offers several ways to modify the contained value.


Use the string primitive type over the String builtin type as much as possible, due to its advantages in runtime performance. The usage of the String builtin type is only recommended, when you need to modify the value of the string at runtime. string values are always immutable.


The String builtin type offers the following constructors:

  • void String(): Initialize empty
  • void String(string): Initialize with a raw string as start value
  • void String(char): Initialize with a single char
  • void String(const String&): Initialize by copying another String (copy constructor)
  • void String(int): Initialize with an initial size
  • void String(long): Initialize with an initial size


The String builtin type offers the following methods:

  • void append(string): Appends a raw string
  • void append(const String&): Appends a string
  • void append(char): Appends a single char
  • void insert(unsigned int, string): Insert a substring at a given position
  • void insert(unsigned long, string): Insert a substring at a given position
  • void insert(unsigned int, const String&): Insert a substring at a given position
  • void insert(unsigned long, const String&): Insert a substring at a given position
  • void insert(unsigned int, char): Insert a character at a given position
  • void insert(unsigned long, char): Insert a character at a given position
  • string getRaw(): Returns a char* to the heap allocated value
  • unsigned long getLength(): Returns the length of the string in chars
  • unsigned long getCapacity(): Returns the allocated space in bytes
  • bool isEmpty(): Checks if the string has a length of 0
  • bool isFull(): Checks if the length is equal with the capacity
  • void clear(): Clear the value of the string
  • long find(string, unsigned int): Returns the index, where a substring was found, starting from a start index
  • long find(string, unsigned long): Returns the index, where a substring was found, starting from a start index
  • long find(char, unsigned long): Returns the index, where a subchar was found, starting from a start index
  • long rfind(string, unsigned int): Returns the index, where a substring was found, starting from reversed at a start index
  • long rfind(string, unsigned long): Returns the index, where a substring was found, starting from reversed at a start index
  • long rfind(char, unsigned long): Returns the index, where a subchar was found, starting from reversed at a start index
  • bool contains(string): Checks if the string contains a substring
  • bool startsWith(string): Checks if the string starts with a substring
  • bool endsWith(string): Checks if the string ends with a substring
  • void reverse(): Reverses the value of the string
  • void replace(string, string, unsigned long): Replaces a substring with another string, starting from a start index
  • void replaceAll(string, string): Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another string
  • void replaceAll(char, char): Replaces all occurrences of a subchar with another char
  • String getSubstring(unsigned int, long): Returns the substring from start index x and length y
  • String getSubstring(unsigned long, long): Returns the substring from start index x and length y
  • String getSubstring(unsigned short, long): Returns the substring from start index x and length y
  • String trim(): Remove whitespace from the front and back
  • void reserve(unsigned int): Increase the capacity to the given number
  • void reserve(unsigned long): Increase the capacity to the given number
  • void reserve(unsigned short): Increase the capacity to the given number

Static functions

The String builtin type offers the following static functions:

  • getRawLength(string): Returns the length of a raw string
  • isRawEqual(string, string): Checks if two raw strings are equal in value


The String builtin type overrides the following operators:

  • String operator+(const String&, const String&): Concatenates two strings and returns the result
  • String operator+(const String&, const string&): Concatenates a string and a raw string and returns the result
  • String operator+(const String&, const char&): Concatenates a string and a raw string and returns the result
  • String operator+(const string&, const String&): Concatenates a raw string and a string and returns the result
  • String operator+(const string&, const string&): Concatenates two raw strings and returns the result
  • String operator+(const string&, const char&): Concatenates two raw strings and returns the result
  • void operator+=(String&, String): Appends a string
  • void operator+=(String&, string): Appends a raw string
  • void operator+=(String&, char): Appends a single char
  • String operator*(const String&, int): Concatenates a string with itself n times
  • String operator*(const String&, long): Concatenates a string with itself n times
  • String operator*(const String&, short): Concatenates a string with itself n times
  • String operator*(int, const String&): Concatenates a string with itself n times
  • String operator*(long, const String&): Concatenates a string with itself n times
  • String operator*(short, const String&): Concatenates a string with itself n times
  • void operator*=(String&, int): Concatenates with itself n times
  • void operator*=(String&, long): Concatenates with itself n times
  • void operator*=(String&, short): Concatenates with itself n times
  • bool operator==(const String&, const String&): Checks if two strings are equal in value
  • bool operator==(const String&, string): Checks if two strings are equal in value
  • bool operator==(string, const String&): Checks if two strings are equal in value
  • bool operator!=(const String&, const String&): Checks if two strings are unequal in value
  • bool operator!=(const String&, string): Checks if two strings are unequal in value
  • bool operator!=(string, const String&): Checks if two strings are unequal in value

The Result data type

The Result<T> builtin type is a generic type, which is used to return a value or an error. It is used to handle errors


The Result<T> builtin type offers the following constructors:

  • void Result(const T&): Initialize Result object with a value
  • void Result(const Error&): Initialize Result object with an error


The Result<T> builtin type offers the following methods:

  • T unwrap(): Returns the value of the Result object. If the Result object contains an error, the program will panic
  • Error getErr(): Returns the error of the Result object. If no error is present, an error object with error code 0 is returned.
  • bool isOk(): Checks if the Result object contains a value
  • bool isErr(): Checks if the Result object contains an error

Static functions

The Result<T> builtin type offers the following static functions:

  • Result<T> ok(const T&): Returns a Result object with a value
  • Result<T> err(const Error&): Returns a Result object with an error
  • Result<T> err(int, string): Returns a Result object with an error, constructed with an error code and an error message
  • Result<T> err(string): Returns a Result object with an error, constructed with an error message

The Error data type

The Error builtin type is used to represent an error. It can be used e.g. in combination with the Result<T> type.


The Error builtin type offers the following constructors:

  • void Error(): Initialize an empty error object. This object has an error code of 0 and the error message Runtime error
  • void Error(int, string): Initialize an error object with an error code and an error message
  • void Error(string): Initialize an error object with an error message


The Error builtin type offers the following methods:

  • void print(): Prints the error message to the standard error output
  • void toPanic(): Triggers a panic with this error