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Main Function

The main function is the entry point to any Spice program. When the operating system runs your compiled executable, the main function is called. Therefore, it is mandatory and must have the signature int main() or int main(int argc, string[] argv) for retrieving command line arguments. The main function has a return value of type int, which represents the return / exit / status code of the executable.


The main function can be declared like this:

f<int> main() {
    // Do something ...

Like any other function, the main function automatically declares the variable result of the same type as the function return type, which is int in this case. You then have the option to use either the return statement (e.g.: return 1;) or assign a value to the result variable. If you choose the second option, the function continues to run and return the assigned value at the end of the function body. Unlike normal functions, the main function has 0 as the initial value assigned to the result variable for reasons of convenience and to not always have to write return 0; or result = 0; to exit the program with a positive exit code.

Hello World program

Now, as you know how to start a program in Spice, you may like to write your first Spice program. Visit the guide for the Hello World example to get started!

Command Line Arguments

Spice programs can accept command line arguments similar you would write it in C:

f<int> main(int argc, string[] argv) {
    printf("Number of arguments: %d\n", argc);
    printf("Argument no. 0: %s\n", argv[0]);
    if (argc > 1) {
        printf("Argument no. 1: %s\n", argv[1]);

The parameter argc holds the number of passed arguments and the argv array contains the values of those arguments.


If the --no-entry flag is passed to the Spice compiler, the main function will not be included in the final output binary. Also, if provided, this option makes the main function non-mandatory.