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Operator Precedence

The following table shows how Spice prioritizes the supported operators. The list is sorted top to bottom in descending precedence.

Precedence table

Precedence Operator Description Associativity Modifying
1 a() Function/procedure call left to right no
1 :: Scope access operator left to right no
1 . Member access operator left to right no
1 a[] Subscript operator left to right no
1 a++ Postfix increment operator left to right yes
1 a-- Postfix decrement operator left to right yes
2 - Unary minus operator right to left no
2 ++a Prefix increment operator right to left yes
2 --a Prefix decrement operator right to left yes
2 ! Logical not operator right to left no
2 ~ Bitwise not operator right to left no
2 * Indirection operator right to left no
2 & Address-of operator right to left no
3 cast<type>() Type cast operator right to left no
4 * Multiplication left to right no
4 / Division left to right no
4 % Remainder left to right no
5 + Addition left to right no
5 - Subtraction left to right no
6 << Bitwise left shift operator left to right no
6 >> Bitwise right shift operator left to right no
7 < Relational less operator left to right no
7 > Relational greater operator left to right no
7 <= Relational less equal operator left to right no
7 >= Relational greater equal operator left to right no
8 == Equal operator left to right no
8 != Not equal operator left to right no
9 & Bitwise and operator left to right no
10 ^ Bitwise or operator left to right no
11 | Bitwise or operator left to right no
12 && Logical and operator left to right no
13 || Logical or operator left to right no
14 a?b:c Ternary conditional right to left no
15 = Assign operator right to left yes
15 += Compound sum assign operator right to left yes
15 -= Compound difference assign operator right to left yes
15 *= Compound product assign operator right to left yes
15 /= Compound quotient assign operator right to left yes
15 %= Compound remainder assign operator right to left yes
15 <<= Compound shift left assign operator right to left yes
15 >>= Compound shift right assign operator right to left yes
15 &= Compound bitwise and assign operator right to left yes
15 |= Compound bitwise or assign operator right to left yes
15 ^= Compound bitwise xor assign operator right to left yes
16 , Comma left to right no